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Russian Day at British school - March'15
British schools have a great tradition of celebrating different cultures which is quite important in such a multicultural country as UK.

March celebration in Anderwasley school in Belper (near Derby) was devoted to Russian culture. That's why the school has applied to RUBRIC with the suggestion to ogranise Russian cultural event there.

With great pleasure RUBRIC's teachers run presentations and master-classes for Alderwasley pupils and also brought there a colourful display of Russian artefacts such as Russian dolls (matreshkas), Russian tea-pots (samovars), khohloma (Russian art) and many others.

Everyone could also try on beautiful Russian head-dresses  kokoshnik and even play real balalaika! In the end British pupils shouted "spasibo!" and "do sveedanya!" ("thank you" and "bye-bye") in Russian!

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